Error Handle

Error type

In order to handle errors more efficiently, Hertz has predefined the following error types:

// Error in binding process 
ErrorTypeBind ErrorType = 1 << iota
// Error in rendering process
// Hertz private errors that business need not be aware
// Hertz public errors that require external perception as opposed to Private
// Other Error

It is recommended to define the corresponding errors according to the error type.

Relevant interfaces

// shortcut for creating a public *Error from string
func NewPublic(err string) *Error {
   return New(errors.New(err), ErrorTypePublic, nil)

// shortcut for creating a private *Error from string
func NewPrivate(err string) *Error {
   return New(errors.New(err), ErrorTypePrivate, nil)

func New(err error, t ErrorType, meta interface{}) *Error {
   return &Error{
      Err:  err,
      Type: t,
      Meta: meta,


In addition to the conventions for error definition, the framework also provides ErrorChain capability. As the name implies, it is easy for the business to bind all errors encountered on a request processing to the error chain, which can facilitate the subsequent (usually in the middleware) unified processing of all errors. The corresponding API is: RequestContext.Error(err), and calling this API will tie the err to the corresponding request context.

Method to get all the errors that have been bound by the request context: RequestContext.Errors (ErrorChain). ErrorChain currently provides the following API:

ByType:Return the corresponding sub-error chain by error type
Errors:Converting error chains to standard error arrays
JSON:Convert all errors to json objects
Last: Return the last or latest error
String:Show all errors in readable text

Last modified April 18, 2023 : docs(wip): request context handler (36ea2d4)